Smart Building comprises of systems aiming to improve the quality of life by rationally and technologically approaching basic needs such as housing and accommodation quality, building security measures, building air conditioning and energy systems for all buildings in a city.


  • Ensuring building energy savings
  • Transmission of consumption information to users in real time
  • Expanding net-zero energy buildings
  • Reducing the use of illegal and lost energy
  • Reducing operating and investment costs
  • Increasing indoor air quality
  • Ensuring energy savings based on smart building air conditioning
  • Getting maximum benefit from natural resources (Sun, Wind, …)
  • Supporting air conditioning with building thermal insulation systems
  • Reducing carbon emissions
  • Increase in building market value
  • Ensuring one-stop coordination with integrated building waste management
  • Minimizing building solid waste
  • Classification of waste from the point of origin
  • Recovery of waste without being transmitted to the infrastructure
  • Ensuring safe storage of waste in buildings
  • Reducing water consumption with smart water counter
  • Reducing human health risks
  • Reducing building waste costs
  • Ensuring maximum security in public buildings
  • Single point analysis and detection of data with sensors, cameras, and similar hardware tools
  • Dissemination of personalized recognition systems such as the face, fingerprint, iris, retina, vein, or DNA
  • Fast service delivery with instant emergency notification in case of a suspicious situation
  • Providing remote countermeasures with the developed artificial intelligence algorithm
  • Preventing losses with emergency early warning
  • One-stop execution of integrated emergency systems
  • Automatic prevention of floods and fires with sensors
  • Minimizing loss of life with living rooms in smart buildings
  • Increase in building market value


  • Adaptive Ventilation Systems (HVAC)
  • Smart Building Lighting Systems
  • Increasing Smart Building Energy Efficiency (Glass Buildings etc.)
  • Smart Building Renewable Energy Systems
  • Integrated Heating and Cooling Systems
  • Smart Building Insulation System
  • Use of Natural Resources for Healthy Air Conditioning
  • Smart Water Counters
  • Building Integrated Waste Management (Grey Water, Purple Network, etc.)
  • Smart Building Integrated Security Systems
  • Instant Transmission to Emergency Service
  • Remote Security Control Systems
  • User Information Systems for Taking Security Measures
  • Smart Building Integrated Emergency Systems
  • Early Warning Systems
  • Smart Building Disaster Living Rooms and Shelters


  • High investment and maintenance costs
  • Lack of collaborative interoperability approach
  • Inadequacy of legislative arrangements
  • Increasing pressures on the building management system, such as population growth, increased water pollution, increased waste
  • Aging building infrastructure concern
  • High unit prices of technological products to be used