Urban Transformation is to make cities that grow unexpectedly resistant to major disasters against natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and landslides, to live in social, cultural and economic ways and to adapt them to urbanization principles.

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Reduction of natural resource utilization through recycling

  • Reducing the risks of human health and environmental pollution
  • Providing water savings
  • Inform users in real time
  • Improved traffic flow and safety
  • Reduced carbon emissions
  • Use of roads according to capacity
  • Improving driver safety and accident management
  • Ensure sectoral development based on recruitment and market requirements
  • Diversification of citizen access technologies
  • Building energy savings
  • Dissemination of net-zero energy buildings
  • Reduction of leakage and lost energy use
  • Reduce operating and investment costs
  • Building market value increase
  • Increasing indoor air quality
  • Reduction of water consumption by smart water meters
  • Recycling of wastes without transmission to infrastructure
  • Analysis and detection from sensors, cameras and similar hardware tools from a single point of view
  • Reducing the consumption of space and natural resources the least
  • Efficiently manage urban flows
  • Maintaining the health of the urban population
  • Provide equal access to resources and services
  • Maintain cultural and social diversity
  • Ensuring more efficient, efficient and economical use of Restricted Resources


  • Smart Urban Applications in the context of Urban Transformation

It is an efficiency-based project that improves the quality of life by considering the needs of the residents of the city. An example is the park lighting project in the Netherlands, which changes at different times according to the user profile.

  • Mixed Land Use

The areas of commercial functions and public services such as parks, religious facilities, social facilities, etc. are expressed as mixed use, provided that they are not used as a single house, except for high-quality housing. Antalya, Kepez Urban Transformation Project is an example of mixed land use.


Protection of the rights of entitled persons with or without title deeds

  • Transforming the projects realized with private participations into projects appealing to the upper income group
  • The central government’s understanding of risky structures and areas identified in its Law No. 6306 and the differences in implementation of local governments